If you're going to be campy and over the top, let's just go all the way over.
So click on the image to generate you some characters with FR names, suitable for Hoard of the Dragon Queen.
Last names and about half of the first names courtesy of Seventh Sanctum's Extreme Fantasy Name Generator. Everything else is mine, I think, or stolen from too many places to recall.
Here are some sample characters:
DAGGER SILVERLORD; hunched; exaggerated teeth (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); polite; crafting (sewing, candle making, manuscript copying, metallurgy); wants to be saved.
CARTER SUNRISE; con save or cough at vanilla perfume, essential part of identity, of course can't change; exaggerated ears (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); perverse; applying lotion to keep the skin youthful and supple; wants to have the respect of someone.
LANCE SINNERCHANTER; huge bulging eyes; exaggerated skin (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); religiously ostentatious; playing instrument; wants to be healed.
LAW BANEGUARD; cheeks like golf balls; exaggerated nose (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); chummy; fighting; wants to be famous.
ECHO TALON; soft, round face; exaggerated neck (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); generous; tidying up; wants to beat rival.
VIOLET DOOM; carrot-nosed; exaggerated head (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); creepily smiley; singing/humming; wants to beat rival.
LORD LORESERAPH; glass/stone eye(s); exaggerated eye(brow)s (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); weak; playing with facial hair; wants to save someone.
GENERAL GOLDMAGUS; like a sad pterodactyl; exaggerated finger(nail)s (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); egotistical; obliviously pondering; wants to have or maintain control.
FLAME SHEOL; eyebrows like chalkboard erasers; exaggerated legs (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); aggresively insecure; applying lotion to keep the skin youthful and supple; wants to save someone.
DAGGERS EDENHUNTER; wrapped up with bulging veins; exaggerated skin (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); generous; tidying up; wants to be saved.
WEEKS QUAKEGRIFFON; so slight you lose sight; exaggerated head (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); creepily smiley; pacing; wants to be healed.
PLATINUM ROUGESOUL; so slight you lose sight; exaggerated chin (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); sycophantic; playing game; wants to kill someone.
BOAST NOBLETIGER; limping; exaggerated teeth (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); bossy; stealing; wants to save someone.
GRAVES GRAVE; coins primary characteristic of attire; exaggerated neck (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); cute; pontificating (philosophy, people, racism, religion, shop, fashion); wants to kill someone.
SPRAY DREADFINDER; thick teeth, pushing out the lips; exaggerated feet (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); sarcastic; smoking/drinking; wants to gain courage to do what is necessary.
TRAPS GOLDMOURNER; con save or cough at vanilla perfume, essential part of identity, of course can't change; exaggerated eye(brow)s (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); thoughtful; obliviously pondering; wants to be forgiven by someone.
LEVEL FELLGRIEF; six fingers/toes; exaggerated head (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); absentminded; falling asleep; wants to be accepted in a group.
CAMP FELLGUARD; skin merely film; exaggerated torso (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); belligerent; falling asleep; wants to prove not like someone.
SCANDALON LAW; eyes crushed to slits by the heft of their lids; exaggerated neck (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); wild; sleepwalking; wants to know the truth.
RADICAL GRIM; shimmering with oil; exaggerated chin (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); creepily smiley; cleaning clothes, under nails, brushing teeth; wants to have or maintain control.
ROGUE RASCALMOURNER; skin of silvery blue, as all in the family; exaggerated chest (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); hateful; praying; wants to know the truth.
TEMPLE GODRUBY; legs to the neck; exaggerated head (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); polite; rubbing/patting self uncomfortably; wants to fulfill duty.
SAGE PURITYHUNTER; mountainous with muscle; exaggerated chest (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); nervous; playing instrument; wants to have or maintain control.
CORRIDOR ANGELSPAWN; clothes so neat and crisp like a mannequin's; exaggerated skin (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); bursts into song; pontificating (philosophy, people, racism, religion, shop, fashion); wants to prove like someone.
GRIFFON DREAMGOD; cheeks like golf balls; exaggerated skin (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); seductive; jovially hitting people; wants to have reputation restored.
BOWSTRING DARK; giant; exaggerated finger(nail)s (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); perverse; studying; wants to be accepted in a group.
SALEM FELLGUARD; earless; exaggerated nose (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); gassy; fixing hair; wants to put doubts to rest.
WHEAT ARCANA; skin flaked and peeling; exaggerated neck (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); hateful; pacing; wants to have or maintain control.
FLORA GUSTMAGUS; so slight you lose sight; exaggerated chin (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); too nice; zoning out; wants to be famous.
COPPER TEMPESTMAGUS; blind; exaggerated hair (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); impassive; rubbing/patting self uncomfortably; wants to be at peace.
CHAIN FLORAKILLER; jowly; exaggerated arms (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); cantankerous; sleepwalking; wants to know if someone is false.
MYSTERY GHOSTSTRIFE; craggy cheekbones; exaggerated hands (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); arrogant; pitching get rich quick scheme; wants to know the truth.
JAIL VEILKILLER; bent like a bow; exaggerated skin (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); just wants everyone to be nice; pitching get rich quick scheme; wants to possess someone.
SIMULACRUM BLACKTOMB; brows prehumanly heavy; exaggerated chest (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); impatient; giving someone a massage; wants to destroy someone.
JAMB SHADOWRUBY; arms swing like bigfoot when walking, hands flat, rigid, turned backward; exaggerated feet (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); impassive; starting stories with "remember that time..." followed by something ridiculous and/or awkward; wants to have reputation restored.
DAGGERS DOOM; face rough with acne; exaggerated teeth (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); dumb; crafting (sewing, candle making, manuscript copying, metallurgy); wants to possess a treasure.
DAGGERS GOLDMOURNER; clothes so neat and crisp like a mannequin's; exaggerated chest (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); cruel; tidying up; wants to know if someone is false.
SHADOW NOBLESONG; swings arms when walks; exaggerated torso (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); pensive; advancing an obviously incorrect position without relenting; wants to put doubts to rest.
DAWN RUNELIGHT; skin mottled and spotted; exaggerated neck (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); obnoxious; tidying up; wants to possess someone.
WITCHER BLIZZARD; pupils like periods; exaggerated hair (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); impatient; eating; wants to beat rival.
PURITY SABERGRIFFON; skin like parchment; exaggerated hair (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); asocial; crafting (sewing, candle making, manuscript copying, metallurgy); wants to visit own pain upon others.
MORALE NOBLETIGER; chest broad as a table; exaggerated ears (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); spacy; hallucinating; wants to have the love of someone.
SQUARES GHOSTTEMPEST; hooded or veiled, perfectly opaque; exaggerated feet (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); venal; obliviously pondering; wants to destroy someone.
HEX VALENTINE; skin like parchment; exaggerated feet (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); thoughtful; exercising; wants to humiliate someone.
OUBLIETTE KILLERKATANA; missing two and a half fingers; exaggerated ears (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); out of breath; eating; wants to be healed.
KATANA SABERGRIFFON; limping; exaggerated legs (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); obsequious; exercising; wants to destroy someone.
CRIMSON JACKAL; missing an arm; exaggerated hands (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); just wants everyone to be nice; pacing; wants to be famous.
DAGON FLORAKILLER; missing an arm; exaggerated feet (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); witty; giving someone a massage; wants to be free of someone or some system.
PACK SILVERLORD; whistles constantly; exaggerated finger(nail)s (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); thoughtful; pacing; wants to be free of someone or some system.
HEIR EDENHUNTER; missing nose, flap of gold-stitched green fabric to cover; exaggerated torso (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); creepily smiley; lusting; wants to be at peace.
STORM NAZARETH; twice the usual amount of neck; exaggerated ears (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); aggresively insecure; exercising; wants to know the truth.
HALBERD MAGESEEKER; bone-white; exaggerated jaw (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); dependent; lusting; wants to know if someone is false.
HONOR SHADOWRUNE; smells of lavender; exaggerated skin (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); weak; applying lotion to keep the skin youthful and supple; wants to beat rival.
VICE BANEGUARD; perfect skin; exaggerated teeth (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); sleepy; playing with facial hair; wants to possess someone.
SLAYER KNIGHTVICTOR; six fingers/toes; exaggerated chest (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); obsequious; absolutely blowing up about something; wants to have the respect of someone.
SIN FELLGUARD; mouthing words to unconscious conversation; exaggerated hair (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); impatient; starting stories with "remember that time..." followed by something ridiculous and/or awkward; wants to do something meaningful before death.
STAFF SQUALL; won't look you in the eye; exaggerated arms (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); out of breath; jovially hitting people; wants to be forgiven by someone.
PIKE SILVERLORD; arms swing like bigfoot when walking, hands flat, rigid, turned backward; exaggerated eye(brow)s (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); officious; giving someone a massage; wants to be free of someone or some system.
COPPER KILLERKATANA; mostly beard; exaggerated hair (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); impatient; obliviously pondering; wants to possess someone.
SHADE BLACKTOMB; looks pregnant, isn't; exaggerated jaw (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); wise; smoking/drinking; wants to kill someone.
RATION ANGELSPAWN; large assymetrical bones beneath the face; exaggerated head (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); dependent; social climbing; wants to be wealthy.
SPARKS LAWAXE; lame; exaggerated torso (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); sycophantic; zoning out; wants to gain courage to do what is necessary.
SHEOL RAGE; coke-bottle shaped; exaggerated head (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); just wants everyone to be nice; playing with facial hair; wants to be accepted in a group.
POINTS RASCALHOWL; carrot-nosed; exaggerated hair (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); spacy; playing instrument; wants to be famous.
MYSTERY VEIL; arms swing like bigfoot when walking, hands flat, rigid, turned backward; exaggerated hands (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); twee; applying lotion to keep the skin youthful and supple; wants to have or maintain control.
ZEAL DIREBATTLER; muscle-beardy; exaggerated chest (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); big-thinking; giving someone a massage; wants to fulfill duty.
SURRENDER DIRE; six fingers/toes; exaggerated finger(nail)s (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); sycophantic; falling asleep; wants to have reputation restored.
MASTER BANEHUNTER; wrapped up with bulging veins; exaggerated torso (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); chummy; pontificating (philosophy, people, racism, religion, shop, fashion); wants to save someone.
SALEM RUNEGUARD; glass/stone eye(s); exaggerated finger(nail)s (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); officious; falling asleep; wants to be accepted in a group.
SEEKER NOBLEFINDER; lesioned; exaggerated skin (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); spaces out; pitching get rich quick scheme; wants to visit own pain upon others.
SEER DEMONSLAYER; four raven-skull rings; exaggerated skin (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); rude; stealing; wants to know if someone is false.
PROPHET FLORA; legs to the neck; exaggerated hands (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); outwardly happy, obviously depressed; rubbing/patting self uncomfortably; wants to dominate someone.
SEA SHEOL; pupils like periods; exaggerated finger(nail)s (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); smug; advancing an obviously incorrect position without relenting; wants to be wealthy.
FLINT SILVERLORD; cysted and tumored; exaggerated jaw (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); vain; playing game; wants to possess someone.
DAYBREAK ROUGE; smiling always, broadly and genuine; exaggerated feet (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); happy-go-lucky; sleepwalking; wants to accomplish a great work.
OPERA ZEALOT; sing-songy for no reason; exaggerated ears (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); dreamy; scribbling (memoirs, poem, treatise, schematic, landscape); wants to know the truth.
SQUARES DAWN; jaundiced; exaggerated torso (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); perverse; scribbling (memoirs, poem, treatise, schematic, landscape); wants to humiliate someone.
TORCHES DEVILBATTLER; jowly; exaggerated hands (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); absentminded; lusting; wants to possess someone.
VICE CLAWMOURNER; lips sagging and bouncing; exaggerated arms (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); wild; starting stories with "remember that time..." followed by something ridiculous and/or awkward; wants to be famous.
BASILEIA KNIGHTCHANTER; muscle-beardy; exaggerated eye(brow)s (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); big-thinking; tidying up; wants to dominate someone.
BOOTHS GODFIEND; limping; exaggerated nose (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); bursts into song; advancing an obviously incorrect position without relenting; wants to destroy someone.
SEER DREADSPIRIT; mushroom-nosed; exaggerated arms (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); religiously ostentatious; cleaning clothes, under nails, brushing teeth; wants to dominate someone.
TSUNAMI KNIGHTCHANTER; con save or cough at vanilla perfume, essential part of identity, of course can't change; exaggerated ears (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); officious; lusting; wants to possess someone.
PILLAR SOULDRAKE; skeletal; exaggerated chin (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); outwardly happy, obviously depressed; studying; wants to fulfill duty.
HELM CLAW; goitered; exaggerated skin (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); dumb; fixing hair; wants to prove not like someone.
LANCE CLAWMOURNER; bizarre accent; exaggerated arms (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); sarcastic; fixing hair; wants to be at peace.
STILETTO ROYALRAIN; shimmering with oil; exaggerated legs (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); picky about everything; tidying up; wants to have reputation restored.
KNIVES SPIRITFLORA; hair fashionably occulding the eyes; exaggerated nose (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); zany; starting stories with "remember that time..." followed by something ridiculous and/or awkward; wants to possess a treasure.
WAKE ROUGESOUL; rashed; exaggerated nose (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); impatient; falling asleep; wants to be famous.
WARLOCK JESTER; hair crawling with lice; exaggerated hair (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); prideful; praying; wants to visit own pain upon others.
ROUGE ROUGEBANE; smiles too broadly; exaggerated head (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); gassy; exercising; wants to kill someone.
SEPHIROTH RASCALHOWL; dwarf; exaggerated neck (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); thoughtful; hallucinating; wants to possess someone.
PIKE DEMONSLAYER; mushroom-nosed; exaggerated ears (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); perverse; pitching get rich quick scheme; wants to beat rival.
BOWSTRING FELLGUARD; nose like a squid; exaggerated feet (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); zealous; lusting; wants to have the love of someone.
RUBBLE DREAMGOD; mostly beard; exaggerated finger(nail)s (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); twee; absolutely blowing up about something; wants to know if someone is false.
RAGNAROK WISESERAPH; large assymetrical bones beneath the face; exaggerated hands (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); spacy; advancing an obviously incorrect position without relenting; wants to destroy someone.
LOCKE FAUNASIN; rashed; exaggerated hands (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); cantankerous; obliviously pondering; wants to be forgiven by someone.
CHAR LIGHT; lesioned; exaggerated hair (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); zealous; lusting; wants to do something meaningful before death.
FUROR LAWAXE; mute; exaggerated hair (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); arrogant; stealing; wants to know if someone is false.
SHROUD RUBYLADY; ears to the neck; exaggerated chin (color, size, health, shape, beauty; itself or its clothing); spaces out; starting stories with "remember that time..." followed by something ridiculous and/or awkward; wants to dominate someone.
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